Advanced study abroad application guide

When I was working on my study abroad application, I had many concerns about the structure and the content of the documents that I was required to submit.

  • What should I write in the motivational letter?
  • Which experiences are relevant to put in my CV?
  • How to ask a professor for a recommendation letter?
  • Does this sound too generic?
  • Is this letter too short/too long?

For my master studies, I applied to three different universities (each of them was in top 20 in Computer Science field), and for that I wrote three CVs, four motivational letters and asked for five recommendation letters.

I reflected on my application process and I tried to collect all the principles and advice that I followed when I was writing my applications.

The applications got 100% acceptance rate, and I believe that the reasons that my application was successful lie in the tips that I want to share with you!

I created the advanced study abroad application guide, that will help you make your application personal, yet effective and convincing.

Study abroad application guide preview

Some of the things that you will learn in this guide are:

  • What are the sections that you should include in your university application CV?
  • Which are three questions that you need to answer with your motivational letter?
  • What is the most powerful phrase to use when asking for a recommendation letter?
  • How to connect all your application documents into a coherent application?

This is an advanced guide, since we will not discuss the basic tips for writing your CV, motivational letter or recommendation letter. The focus is on making it PERSONAL, and really showing your strengths in the best possible way!